Union County Sheriff’s Office
Monroe, NC | 61,850 SF
The existing building is undersized to serve the public and staff, and is experiencing significant settlement issues. Pre-design services included a comprehensive space needs analysis that incorporated staff surveys, interviews, forecasting, and ultimately programming was completed. The second phase utilized the space needs analysis to initiate a campus master plan process, incorporating a detention consultant to help conceptualize how the current and future corrections should be integrated into the campus. In November of 2019, the design team was asked to move forward with the schematic design for an approximately 61,850 SF new building. The new building is the first phase of the master plan and is anticipated to house the Sheriff administration, operations, services, and investigations departments while also creating various meeting and support spaces, including a new 200 person community room. The design illustrates the clear separation of public and staff secure zones within the facility and will serve as the new entrance experience to the Union County Law Enforcement Campus.