Davidson Public Safety Complex

Davidson, NC | 16,570 SF

Davidson Fire Station 1 is a 5-bay facility located in the lower level of a mixed-use civic building in the historic district. The location is excellent for downtown service and the department wishes to improve in place for the short term. Interior renovations include additional sleeping quarters, a reorganized day room, expanded kitchen layout, improved restrooms and showers, and expanded storage through implementing a mezzanine within the high volume. Administrative space will be located within the footprint of the upper floor.

The upper level of the facility will be renovated to expand the police department footprint. This level originally housed town administrative functions, with a small portion dedicated to the police department. The new plan will move the town administration to a new home in an adaptive reuse facility and allow for the police department to occupy the entire upper level footprint. The revised plan is highlighted by a central collaboration space, evidence intake and processing, secure sally port, and a Roll Call/Training/EOC center that will greatly enhance the police department’s capabilities.