

Architecture of Place: Ireland

Ireland is absolutely breathtaking. From its rolling countryside, numerous castles, historic churches, and charming pubs, there is something for everyone to appreciate. Together, these make the rich history come to life as one travels from town to town. Read on for Kristen’s take on this mesmerizing country. My first stop was Dublin and what better...
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2020: A Year in Review

This year there will be a common theme across most companies as they look back at the year that transpired. We have expanded our vernacular to include unfamiliar phrases and procedures to facilitate new ways to live and work. The architectural community has incorporated diverse topics around the ways in which spaces are occupied, and...
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Architecture of Place: Charleston and Climate Change

Charleston is one of the most charming cities in the country—just ask Conde Nast who has named it the number one city in the world for the ninth year in a row. But, as with most coastal cities around the world, Charleston is dealing with the effects of climate change and sea level rise. America’s...
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Architecture of Place: Paris

Our blog this month is a continuation of a virtual look at great cities where architecture has become an important contributor to place making. Paris is one of the most renowned cities in the world and perhaps the most charming with its variety of neighborhoods from quaint Saint Germain, to the hilly Montmartre. It was...
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Architecture of Place: Venice

With travel restricted because of the Covid-19 virus, we will be looking virtually at eight American and European cities over the next few months. The architecture of these cities has promoted great communities where people have flocked in droves, sometimes to the detriment of the city itself. Each place has endured natural and man-made disasters,...
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Technology and Hand Drawing

Technology has been a vital gift to many industries including our own. In the past when I have walked through our studios, I have seen amazing things unfolding before me on the computer screens. Designs were being explored and studied in three dimensions that later became part of the documents that the contractors use in...
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The word “balance” can be used as a noun or a verb. In relation to architecture, it is most often used as a noun. The online dictionary ( defines it as “a condition in which different elements are equal or in the correct proportions.” It is important to understand that balance does not necessarily refer...
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Classical Architecture is Modern

We seldom associate classical architecture with the word modern. Instead we attribute it to the antiquities of Greece and Rome where it originated.  It is important to understand that classicism is NOT a style of architecture but rather a method in which beautiful buildings are proportioned—modern buildings. Classical proportions can be applied to a number...
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The North Carolina Research Campus

Architecture of Place

Creech & Associates welcomes you all to the New Year and hopes that 2020 will be a symbolic year with perfect vision as we move forward with great opportunities. While we will continue as always to produce inspiring architecture of place, some have asked exactly what that entails so I would like to begin this...
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